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Tuition Fee Payment Reminder for Domestic and International Students

19377.mp3 Tuition Fee Payment Reminder for Domestic and International Students

Dear students,

This is a friendly reminder for all domestic and international students of the university. As per the university's regulations and previous announcements, it is mandatory to clear any outstanding tuition fees by September 1st, 2023.


Please note that enrollment for the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024 in the Hama Ava system will only be granted upon the complete payment of all tuition fees.


We kindly request you settle your tuition debt promptly to ensure a smooth registration process and uninterrupted access to academic resources.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Accounting Department, Int’l Campus

هام جدا

لجمیع طلاب الحرم الجامعی الدولی (الإیرانیین و غیر الإیرانیین)

وفقاً لقوانین الجامعة وإعلاناتها السابقة، یجب على جمیع الطلاب دفع الدیون الدراسیة خاصه بهم  الی تاریخ 10/09/2023 المصادف 10/06/1402.

اختیار الوحدات الدراسیة للفصل  جدیدالدراسی التی یکون فی شهر مهرلسنه  1403-1402 فی تطبیق هم آوا یخضع فقط عنى دفع کافة الرسوم الدراسیة.


  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,اخبار,فیلم و عکس
  • News code : 19377
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