International students of IUMS under the coverage of Razi Insurance Company





On December 7th, 2022, concurrent with Student's Day in Iran, a memorandum of understanding on providing insurance services was signed between Razi Insurance Company and the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs of Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS).

According to the memorandum of understanding, signed by Dr. Ali Jabbari, the CEO of Razi Insurance Company, and Dr. Mehdi Moghtadaei, the IUMS Vice President for International Affairs, the IUMS students studying at the International Campus will receive health insurance services from the Razi Insurance Company.

Celebrating the students' day, Dr. Moghtadaei noted that the memorandum was concluded to provide better services to the university’s international students.

And, Dr. Ali Jabari stated that Razi Insurance Co. has put the provision of up-to-date and innovative services on its agenda in the last few years, and the main priority of the company is to provide various services to customers. Referring to the expansion of international students' education in Iran, he emphasized that Razi Insurance Co. has always been providing the best insurance services to students and academics.