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Visit of International Students to Golestan Palace

21266.mp3 Visit of International Students to Golestan Palace

International students of Iran University of Medical Sciences visited the Golestan Palace historical complex on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023. According to the Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs of the International Campus, the visit was organized by the Office of Vice President for International Affairs, in collaboration with the Basij of the School of Medicine and the Municipality of District 12 in Tehran.


During the visit, students became familiar with the history and culture of old Tehran and the Qajar dynasty and visited sections such as the Marble Throne Veranda, Karimkhani Nook, Special Museum, and Negar Khaneh Museum. They also became familiar with the works of great artists such as Kamal al-Molk.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,اخبار,فیلم و عکس
  • News code : 21266
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