• Oct 5 2024 - 09:48
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Study Tour on Primary Health Care Experiences Organized for Tajik Doctors

339085.mp3 Study Tour on Primary Health Care Experiences Organized for Tajik Doctors

The International Vice President Office of Iran University of Medical Sciences has organized a study tour aimed at enhancing international cooperation and elevating the knowledge and specialized skills of doctors and managers from Tajikistan.


According to a report from the university's public relations office, this initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Office of Vice President for Public Health, will take place over ten days, starting from October 8, 2024. The study tour focuses on exchanging experiences in primary health care, with the goal of strengthening professional capabilities and familiarizing participants with Iran’s successful healthcare practices.


This training course offers a valuable opportunity to improve public health standards and boost productivity within Tajikistan's healthcare management system.


Here is the link to the video where Professor Jamaluddin Abdullahzadeh shares his heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for the sincere cooperation and invaluable support received from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Ministry of Health, and Iran University of Medical Sciences.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,اخبار,فیلم و عکس
  • News code : 339085
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