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Ceremony for IUMS New Students at Shahr-e Qods

10902.mp3 Ceremony for IUMS New Students at Shahr-e Qods

With the presence of the President of Iran University of Medical Sciences, the President of the Islamic Azad University branch in Shar-e Qods, the deputies and managers, as well as the representatives of the Supreme Leader at the IUMS and Islamic Azad University (IAU), a celebration ceremony on the admission of new international students to the Iran University of Medical Sciences at the Islamic Azad University branch in Shahr-e Qods was held at Shahid Mohammad Montazeri Cultural Complex in Shahriar on January 28, 2023.


At the beginning of the ceremony, Dr. Ghasemi, the IUA President of the Shahr-e Qods Branch, welcomed the new international students and appreciated the collaboration of the IUMS Office of Vice President for International Affairs for providing high-quality education, and expressed his hope that the students will be happy with the education process and other issues.


Then, Dr. Pazouki, the IUMS President welcomed the students and considered them as the officials’ children, and asked them to pursue their studies, raise their cultural level, and work hard for prosperity and progress. Addressing the new students, he added “you should play an essential role in the administration of your country in the future.”


Next, Dr. Moghtadaei, the IUMS Vice President for International Affairs and the Head of the International Campus, presented a report on the process of recruiting students and the educational and research facilities of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and welcomed the new international students and wished them luck.


At the end of the ceremony, the experts of the Students’ Department answered some questions from the new students, and finally, the top students in the scientific, research, and sports fields were appreciated.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,اخبار,فیلم و عکس
  • News code : 10902
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