Internationalization of Health System in Shahr-e-Ghods District

“Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services”


Harmonization Workshops for the Care Providers of the Health Facilities

10 and 16 October 2023


The initial assessment of service delivery in 21 health houses and health posts of Shahr-e-Ghods has shown that 3 major issues should be targeted to improve service delivery, including:

Expansion of Women Health Volunteers program (WHVs),

Improving Antenatal Care (ANC), child care, and increasing Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) practice and,

Increasing elderly care coverage and care of people suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs)..






The Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services has organized two workshops (one on the 10th and the other one on the 16th of October) participated by around 40 care providers working at 21 health facilities of Shahr-e-Ghods. These workshops aim to engage care providers in identifying major challenges within their catchment population related to the above-mentioned three priorities, actions to overcome challenges, and the role of the care providers in filling the existing gaps.




Each workshop consists of 3 sessions that have been facilitated by Dr Mohammad Assai Ardakani, adviser to the undersecretary for International Health Relations. The sessions were articulated in a fully participatory approach where care providers were divided into groups of 3 participants and requested them to discuss and come out with the Top 3 challenges, Top 3 actions to overcome challenges, and Top 3 main roles in filling the gaps. Each team/group requested to write down the outcome of their discussions on 3 colorful Cards and paste them on the wall as shown in the photos below. Each session took 90 minutes and including discussions and removing overlaps and repetitions between outcomes of the working groups


It is expected that the outcome of these two workshops will be implemented by the care providers of 21 health facilities, monitored and supervised by the experts from the undersecretary for the public health department as well as experts/managers from the district level. The supervisors will ensure improvement in service coverage and moving towards meeting Universal Health Coverage targets


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