
The ultimate goal of the Vice-President’s Office for International Affairs is to foster the education and development of international students and faculty in order to enable them to achieve their academic and professional goals and objectives.
This office provides advice and guidance for admission, customs and immigration, educational and intercultural services on campus. Our international academicians enhance global perspectives and mutual respect through collaborative programs and our staff support an environment conducive to international education and intercultural awareness


The Vice-President’s Office for International Affairs serves to be the primary resource for international students, visiting faculty and researchers at Iran University of Medical Sciences, and it aims to promote international education and opportunities, as well as diversifying methods of communication with counterparts at home and abroad.





  • Increase overall enrollment and enhance diversity by recruiting international students from the region and beyond

  • Improve graduation rates and degree completion times

  • Invest in staff and resource development to accomplish the vision, mission and goals of the University

  • Expand the University’s network and outreach through distance education and partnerships with other institutions and collaborators in academia

  • Establish and market a quality brand reputation for the university nationally and internationally

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